When you are moving out, the paper cleaning instructions that slip into the mailbox are easily ignored. They are buried under the moving boxes, the struggle of letting go,and new dreams. M2-Kodit, which is a part of Y-Säätiö, had this problem and therefore they decided to try Komu. After the introduction of Komu, the instructions are readand followed by up to 80 percent of tenants.
It was easy to try Komus service, says Matti Peltola, Property Manager of Y-Säätiö. At first, they used Komu only in the Helsinki metropolitan area, but soon its advantages wereso obvious that they brought it into wider use. Y-Säätiö is the fourth largest landlord inFinland and M2-Kodit has about 11,000 apartments. The savings from Komu can therefore be very significant.
Peltola says that since the introduction of Komu, Property Managers inspecting apartments have noticed a clear trend: apartments are being left in better condition than before. This is because residents who move out know what to remember to clean or check. Before Komu, also accidents happened more. frequently. For example, when disconnecting a dishwasher, it is important to put the plug back in place. This was sometimes forgotten, which resulted in several water damage on an annual basis. When a tenant follows instructions, unexpected costs are avoided. The tenant moving in can also enjoy a clean and working home without unnecessary delays.
Although Peltola represents a relatively big company, he claims that Komu could be a good fit for a smaller company as well. If your company has a repetitive reporting process and a desire to improve it, you might want to try Komu. Our product can be applied to a wide range of activities. Our team is happy to help and customize the service so that it would better answer your needs. Peltola also points out that he is happy with how smoothly the change requests have been handled. He sees Komu as a very flexible tool. This flexibility has led Y-Säätiö to report defects in the apartments through Komu in the near future.